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Press release

”Education in rural entrepreneurship through producing and valorising of medicinal and aromatic plants” este un proiect transnațional, coordonat de ECO Herbal și implementat în parteneriat cu Asociația Consultanților și Experților în Economie Socială (ACE-ES Romania), Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (Germania) și LATVIJAS LAUKSAIMNIECIBAS UNIVERSITATE – Faculty of Economics and Social Development (Letonia). Proiectul a inceput la 1 octombrie 2016, are o durată de 24 de luni și este dezvoltat cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene, prin programul Erasmus+ , Actiunea Cheie 2 – Parteneriate Strategice pentru Educația Adulților.

Obiectivele specifice ale proiectului sunt:

O1: Dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului rural și stimularea oportunităților de angajare și auto-angajare în mediul rural prin educație referitoare la producerea și valorizarea platelor aromatice.

O2: Dezvoltarea unor materiale de training inovative pentru a facilita incluziunea grupurilor dezavantajate (demonstrații, înregistrări video, filme didactice, formulare înregistrare, bune practici in domeniu, noi tehnologii legate de producerea și valorizarea platelor aromatice etc)

O3: Diseminarea produselor intelectuale realizate in proiect către specialiști, factori interesați etc.

Data: 15 noiembrie, 2016
vizualizări: 1.384
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This meeting was the final Transnational Meeting of the project, organized by Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research and hosted by University of Bonn, in Germany.
This is the Third Transnational Meeting of the project, organized and hosted by ECO HERBAL, Romania.
This second meeting will gather 9 professionals from different sectors: education, research & development and social work.
The kick-off meeting is the first meeting for the project implementation – a great opportunity for us as partners in this project to meet each other, to share our experience and to plan future activities of the project.
noiembrie (1)
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Ultimele articole
This meeting was the final Transnational Meeting of the project, organized by Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research and hosted by University of Bonn, in Germany.
This is the Third Transnational Meeting of the project, organized and hosted by ECO HERBAL, Romania.
This second meeting will gather 9 professionals from different sectors: education, research & development and social work.
The kick-off meeting is the first meeting for the project implementation – a great opportunity for us as partners in this project to meet each other, to share our experience and to plan future activities of the project.